Iron, Minnesota
We're about leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

8964 Highway 37
Iron, Minnesota 55751
Office: (218) 744-2784

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry
An Outdoor Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry offers summer and year-round camping programs for God's people of all ages. Faith United Lutheran Church offers scholarships for youth to attend Camp Vermilion and Camp Hiawatha. We offer 1/2 scholarship for any camper wanting to attend regular day or wee-long camping with the exception of Hockey or Houseboat camps. Please contact the church for additional details. The schedule of camps can be found by going to VLM's website.
Camp Hiawatha is an open and welcoming environment located on beautiful Deer Lake just 20 miles from Grand Rapids, MN.
Camp Vermilion is conveniently located on beautiful Lake Vermilion just south of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Closing activity at the end of a week of at Camp Vermilion.

Members and friends of Faith United have helped with projects as well as money to provide for a good experience for young and old campers.
We helped stabilize and restore the front of the boathouse that was in danger of collapsing into the lake.
We adopted Schoolcraft Cabin and made it much more pleasant and a model for other cabin remodels.
We have helped provide workers' time, talents, and money in building the new dining hall. Siding, interior trim, and comfortable deck seating were parts of our efforts.

Schoolcraft before, during and after the remodel.